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Pompeu Fabra school is located in Reus (Tarragona-Spain). There are 21 teachers and 218 students. Due to the area where the school is located the immigrant community is high. Considering the surrounding area, the percentage of immigrant students is 87,53% (113 students are from Morocco,  47 from South America, 8 from Asia and 3 belong to non-European Community countries).
The school is structured into two phases:
· Pre-School – (three to five/six years of age)
· Primary school – (six to twelve years of age)
The school has single year classes.  Class sizes are small and usually with a student : teacher ratio of 24:1.  The school’s approach to education is based on the individual needs of the child with the emphasis being placed on the recognition of differences between children.  Regarding children with special needs, we have got 73 students.

Reus (107,2011 inhabitants) is located near Tarragona, in Catalonia. Its fertile land is dedicated to the cultivation of vineyard, olive and hazelnut. The area has always been an important producer of wines and spirits, and gained continental importance at the 18th century when it became a regional trading centre. Reus developed itself into a European market leader in the trade and production of brandy. This period of growth led to the confident slogan ‘Reus, Paris, London’.

The spirit of commerce is still alive and kicking. This becomes apparent from the large amount of shops in this small city.

The most famous son of Reus is the world-famous architect Antonio Gaudí. The founder of Sagrada Família, Parc Güell and countless other structures spent the first sixteen years of his life in Reus. In this period his artistic basis was laid. Reus has an important modernist route.



“Els segadors”

Pompeu Fabra school

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